The sheer fact that I chose to live in a place other than Oman, when I am in fact an Omani, makes many Omanis uncomfortable. Within few minutes of a conversation, I get an earful about how the west is not better than Oman and how great Oman is. In their mind, because I chose to live outside Oman a) I must have rejected to be one of them and b) I must be perceiving the west to be “superior”.
Their assumptions and thoughts could not be any further from my true feelings and thoughts. The beauty of Oman and the kindness of its people are infinite, in my eyes. And it will always remain so because it is the truth that I perceive and my people's blood is in my veins.
My day yesterday involved lunch at my aunt’s house with my cousins, then a visit to see an ill relative in the hospital, then dinner at my uncle’s house with all my other cousins.
Absolutely great! The visits, the sincere love, the kindness and the wonderful time we share together are priceless! And I couldn't get that from the west.
The west is not suprior. Oman is not inferior.
But just like the west, we are nowhere near a perfect society.
And just like any human being in the west or otherwise, an Omani has his/her own needs and tolerance levels that may or may not be fully available in his country.
I realised that my critiques are considered biased, even when they resonate with many other Omanis who live here. So, I bite my tongue (when I can), show my sincere respect, communicate my sincere love and limit my comments to scribles in my blog space . . . ;-)